FIVE – What?(What do I need to do to gain Eternal Life?) – 9:30 am

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  In the second installment of the FIVE series, Pastor Alison takes a look at what we as Christians need to do in order to gain eternal life.

What takes precedence in our lives? The Children’s Sermon answer is always “Jesus!,” but sometimes our lives and our choices don’t reflect that answer. Faced with choices, the man in our scripture today was confronted with this reality by none other than Jesus.

Where do we spend most of our time, our money, our thoughts, our worries, our energy? Perhaps there is truly our answer. Or ask yourselves, “What is the one thing we wouldn’t want Jesus asking us to leave behind in order to follow him?” Perhaps that is our answer.

What is it that takes precedence in our lives? How can we move closer to answering “Jesus!”? 

How can we move closer to following Jesus?
Questions for Reflection:

What do you think Jesus would ask you to leave behind?

What steps will you take this week, this month, and this year to leave it behind and follow Jesus?


