Music Ministries
We offer several different opportunities for those who would like to become involved in worship with music!
The Chancel Choir is a mixed voice ensemble of singers from high school age and above who lead the congregation in music for the 10:00 AM service each week and for special seasonal worship. Their chief purpose is to enliven and enrich the congregation’s worship experience following the scriptural admonition to “be filled with the spirit, addressing one another in psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs”. The variety of their offerings ranges from renaissance motets and chant to contemporary songs and anthems. Choir members also support each other, the church and the world with intercessory prayer. Rehearsals are Wednesday evenings at 7:00 PM and Sunday mornings prior to worship. All are welcome. For information, please contact Wayne Bachus, Director of Sacred Music and Organist.

Those who are proficient in playing musical instruments find a multitude of opportunities to enact the words of the Psalmist who exhorted us to worship of God with trumpets and pipes, stringed instruments and cymbals. Whether percussion, guitars, brass, woodwinds or strings, the inclusion of instruments to enrich our musical worship is always welcome.