Day 5: Sunday, March 5th, 2017

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Day 5: Sunday, March 5, 2017  

 John 15:1-17


Jesus often spoke in metaphor, and by using images that most were very familiar with, the people were able to easily understand what He was saying.  Unfortunately, the things that were familiar to the people Jesus spoke to 2,000 years ago in another culture are sometimes less familiar to us.  Now, in our scripture today, it’s not a foreign concept that branches of a vine separated from the vine and roots will not survive; however, there is yet another image that may speak more to our everyday experience–cell phones.


Have you ever tried to go a little too long without connecting your cell phone to a charger?  Perhaps you have travelled too far to receive reception?  We seem to be    powerless today when our phones are… well… powerless.  Same idea:  When we are not regularly plugged into God in relationship through prayer, scripture reading, and worship, and when we travel a bit too far to receive God’s guidance and hear God’s voice, we too become powerless–both to our own lives of faith and to the mission of making disciples for the transformation of the world. 


How much charge is in your battery?  Is it time to plug in with God again? 

How well are you able to receive the voice of God and the call God has on your life? 

I pray we may all spend some time plugging in and growing closer to God in our Lenten journey this year. 


Prayer: Holy and loving God, remind us to stay connected with You through prayer, scripture, and worship.  Draw us closer to You so that we may hear clearly the ways You direct us.  Renew and recharge our love for You and for Your people.  In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Contributed by Associate Pastor Alison Zollinger

