Day 40: Sunday, April 9th, 2017

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Day 40: Sunday, April 9, 2017     Book of Ruth 1:16 (NIV)

 “Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay.  Your people will be my people and your God my God.” 





Books, movies and music have been written about mothers-in-law in disparaging ways.  Jokes prevail on the evils of the mother of your wife or husband, and one singer described his mother-in-law as Satan, crooning, “If she’d leave us alone, we’d have a happy home.”  However, I’m here to proclaim that I have the best mother-in-law in the world.  Katharyn Lavon Smith has been my mother-in-law for almost forty years, and not once have I ever heard a word of criticism or lack of support for me.  Rusty and I reared three sons, and I don’t know what we would have done without the help of  Lavon during those hectic years of teaching school, night classes, sick little boys, or the rare Friday date night.  


The best example of Lavon’s unconditional love for me came on a hot July afternoon in 1977 when I married her son.  I had been married before, so I felt like damaged goods when I first met Rusty.  His goodness and unabashed love for me helped me to heal emotionally, and I realized how lucky I was to have this chance to be truly happy.  We got married in the small chapel at the old downtown church with only Reverend Dewald and Rusty’s parents in attendance.  After the fifteen-minute ceremony, it was time for us to leave on our honeymoon, and we were saying our goodbyes.  As Lavon hugged me, she quietly pressed a single key into my hand.  She whispered, “If Rusty ever gives you any trouble, use this to come home.” The key was to her front door.  That gesture of  Lavon’s affection for me sealed the deal–I never used that key although Rusty may have wanted to at times. 


I feel about Lavon the way Ruth felt about Naomi, and one of the most lyrical lines of scripture in the Old Testament captures Ruth’s love and respect for her mother in law.  You’ve heard the verse quoted during wedding ceremonies as couples declare their    devotion for one another.  Today, April 9, is my mother-in-law’s birthday.  As we celebrate the life of this amazing woman, I thank God for sending Lavon Smith to me.


Prayer:  Heavenly Father, thank You for mothers-in-law.  Amen.


Contributed by Becky Smith

