Day 33: Sunday, April 2nd, 2017

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Day 33: Sunday April 2, 2017       Matthew 25:40

 “Something for Jesus”


“The king will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sister of mine, you did for me.”

The ministry of our church called Lunch With Our Neighbors has been an arm of our outreach ministry.  This story comes to mind when I look back years ago when we were feeding our neighbors in the downtown church.

Our group had just finished feeding around forty-five neighbors, and we put away the utensils that we used.  I was then given a brown bag to take home to give to my husband for his lunch: a fruit and a sandwich. As I was walking towards my car, a man came running to me looking desperate.  These were his words: “Someone out there,” pointing to the street beyond the church, “told me about the free meal which the church gives.  I had a phone call from my home in San Antonio that my mother is very ill, and my bus leaves in ten minutes.”

There are times in life when we do not expect to do something for Jesus.  However, at that very moment, there was the hallelujah “moment” to be of service to someone.  That brown bag given to me to take home to feed Andy fulfilled my ministry that day by   giving it to this man who needed to be at his mother’s bedside.  Matthew 25:40 spoke to me clearly when I handed the brown bag to this man with a prayer in my heart.

Each day, moments like this do come and we are surprised at what the Lord expects of us.  By having a closer walk with our Lord, we can pray.


Prayer:  “Lord, help me to be a blessing to someone today.” Amen.


Contributed by Nina Fowler

