Day 32: Saturday, March 17th, 2018

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the Eternal,

“plans for peace, not evil, to give you a future and hope – never forget that.”
Jeremiah 29:11 (The VOICE)

Today, you are probably wearing something green so you won’t be pinched and watching others to see if they too are wearing green and perhaps pinching them if they are not.  Some may be out celebrating at a local pub, and others are preparing corned beef and cabbage for dinner.  There may even be someone out there looking for a four-leaf clover.

But who needs that four-leaf clover when you have God on your side and He has plans for you?

Three years ago, my life was slowly falling to pieces, after a 14-year Army career. As my marriage was falling apart, I was inundated with schoolwork and caring for my two toddlers, and I had no clue what I was supposed to be doing with my life.

After not attending church since we joined the Army, my husband suggested that he wanted to return to church and I agreed although I had reservations, as I was raised   Catholic and he was raised Methodist.  However, we agreed that the Methodist idea was best, so we scheduled a meeting with the pastors to discuss the church and what it could offer to us.  The meeting went very well, and we agreed that we would join the church the following weekend.  One week later, the strings holding our marriage together broke, and a custody battle ensued, lasting for about six months.  It was indeed a trying time for my children and me, but joining this church truly made the stress much lighter.

This church was the four-leaf clover that has eluded me for my entire life — God had a plan, executed in His own time, leading me to this amazing church.  I, along with my children, could not be more blessed!


Loving God, please allow us to see You at work in our lives in all situations, good and bad, and to never lose faith in You.  Give us the patience and the wherewithal to wait and see what Your plans are for us. Amen.

Contributed by Lauren Moffatt


